Two giraffes courting one another in Arusha National Park - Tanzania

Two giraffes courting one another in Arusha National Park - Tanzania

We turned a corner in our safari vehicle and stopped in awe when we saw this beautiful giraffe standing down the embankment at the side of the road. I never expected to get so close to one. We were careful not to scare him away while we sat and stared. This moment was the highlight to a day full of highlights.

The same giraffe we captured up close. He gave us a once over and when he realized we weren't a threat he went back to eating.

This fella was on a stroll through part of this huge swath of land protected for the animals within. It's a beautiful park.

This shot was captured in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area on a very soggy day. While it may have been pouring out there, i was happy to capture this moody image.

Another moody image from what seemed to be an empty crater.

I like the foliage in this image because it frames the giraffe.